
Children and young people can help to create a better internet by being kind and respectful to others online, by protecting their online reputations (and those of others), and by seeking out positive opportunities to create, engage and share online. 


Parents and carers play a crucial role in empowering and supporting children to use technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively, whether it is by ensuring an open dialogue with their children, educating them to use technology safely and positively, or by acting as digital role models. 


Teachers and educators can help to create a better internet by equipping their pupils and students with digital literacy skills and by developing their critical thinking skills, which will allow them to better navigate the online world. They can empower them to create their own content, make positive choices online and can set a personal example of online behaviour for their pupils and students. 


Knowing your friends with Josh & Sue...

A video collection for children with learning difficulties about staying safe online


Designed for young people with mild/moderate learning difficulties, this animation focuses on staying safe online.


Designed for young people with moderate/severe learning difficulties, this animation focuses on staying safe online.

Smart Rules...


Keep safe by being careful not to give out personal information when you're chatting or posting online. Personal information includes your email address, phone number and password.


Meeting someone you have only been in touch with online can be dangerous. Only do so with your parents or carers permission and even then only when they can be present. Remember online friends are still strangers even if you have been talking to them for a long time. 



Accepting emails, IM messages, or opening files, pictures or texts from people you don't know or trust can lead to problems they may contain viruses or nasty messages!


Someone online might lie about who they are and information on the internet may not be true. Always check information with other websites, books or someone who knows. If you like chatting online it's best to only chat to your real world friends and family.


Tell your parent, carer or a trusted adult if someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable or worried, or if you or someone you know is being bullied online.

SMART Resources...

These cartoons illustrate the 5 SMART rules and include a real life SMART crew of young people, who guide the cartoon characters in their quest, and help them make safe online decisions.

Childnet has teamed up with Widgit Software to produce a whole set of SMART symbol materials to use with those who use these communication tools.

  1. Download Widgit Resources for S
  2. Download Widgit Resources for M
  3. Download Widgit Resources for A
  4. Download Widgit Resources for R
  5. Download Widgit Resources for T


Smartie the Penguin...


An e-safety story for 3 to 7 year olds. Join in with Mummy Penguin’s song and follow the adventures of Smartie the Penguin as he learns how to be safe on the internet. The story covers the following 3 themes;

  • Pop ups and in app purchasing
  • Inappropriate websites for older children
  • Cyberbullying 

Parent Info...


Parent Info, a collaborative RSS feed from CEOP and Parent Zone provides high quality information to parents and carers about their children's wellbeing and resilience. In line with CEOP’s ThinkUknow programme, some of the content covers internet safety, but it all starts from the assumption that young people make little distinction between their online and offline lives and the issues for parents are often the same. The aim is to help parents help their children be discriminating, web-literate and resilient.

Online Safety Guides for Parents...

Here you will find the most up to date guides for social media apps and platforms created by National Online Safety. Click on the icons below to find out more information about each app and to download their useful tips to help keep children safe.


Guides produced by National Online Safety


LSCB YouTube Channel...

Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Board is a statutory multi-agency board made up of representatives from the Local Authority, Police, Health Service, Probation Trust, Youth Offending Service, the Voluntary Sector and others.


Their vision is that every child and young person in Lincolnshire is safeguarded via the provision of accessible, timely, co-ordinated, high quality multi-agency services to children, young people and families.


Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Board have recently released a YouTube channel to support students and parents / carers with E-Safety concerns. 


CEOP Button...

Has someone done something online that has made you or a child or young person you know, feel worried or unsafe? Make a report to one of CEOP's experienced Child Protection Advisers. The Click CEOP button is an asset of the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command. The CEOP Command works to protect children from the harm of sexual abuse and exploitation both online and offline.



The button has been developed to offer children, young people, parents/carers and professionals working with these groups with a simple and convenient mechanism for gaining access to trusted online safety advice, help and support. It also provides access to an online mechanism for reporting known or suspected child sexual exploitation or child sexual abuse directly to CEOP. This is offered as a convenient and potentially less intimidating method of reporting these sensitive types of crime, alternative to face-to-face and telephone reporting to local police forces.


Useful Links...


Supporting Young People Online.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 660.3 KB
SMART Cards.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.1 MB
Factsheet for Parents.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 977.9 KB

Top Tips for iPads.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 433.3 KB
Keeping Under 5s Safe Online.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 839.7 KB


Please feel free to get in touch if you have and concerns or queries regarding E-Safety. 

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