Pupils following our Pre-Formal and Informal pathway are all set pupil profiles and next steps within the four areas of need- Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Physical and Sensory and Social and Emotional. Opportunities to develop skills within these areas are holistically implemented throughout the school day. Observational assessment is the most reliable way of building up an accurate picture of pupil’s progress (The Engagement Model 2020). Progress meetings are held termly with teaching staff to review engagement and to ensure that the curriculum offer is meeting needs. Pupil profiles, Seesaw and Next Steps are reviewed as part of this process and regular classroom ‘drop-ins’ are carried out to look at engagement against the Engagement Model.
Pupils following our Semi-Formal pathway are all set individualised learning Intentions within the five areas of need- My Communication, My Thinking and Problem Solving, My Physical Wellbeing, My Social Skills and My Independence. Semi-Formal Learners are working below age expected standards and are therefore given functional and purposeful opportunities to develop their learning intentions throughout the school day. Practitioners meet termly to discuss pupil progress and to ensure that all pupils are on track to meet either below, good or above expected progress.
Pupils following our Formal pathway are set multiple targets for English and Maths in line with the adapted National Curriculum teaching objectives. Progress is tracked through outcome trees on our Onwards and Upwards data tracking system. Each objective is assessed against the linear continuum which is split into the following 3 areas: emerging, developing and secure. Formal learners are also set learning intentions within My Physical Wellbeing, My Social Skills and My Independence which are tracked against the Continuum of Skill Development. Formal Learners are working below age expected standards. Therefore, they are offered alternative examinations and accreditations which are more functional and accessible. They are offered Entry Level qualifications in English, Maths, Science and Humanities.
Formal and higher semi-formal students follow the NCFE exam board courses in Literacy and Numeracy. This exam board has appropriate levels for Upper School formal and higher semi-formal students ranging from Entry Level 1 up to Level 2. It is a well-respected and flexible exam board, and students can be entered for exams whenever they are ready.
Students are put into appropriate ability groups in Literacy and Numeracy using information from their previous school or from teachers within school. Alongside this information, students will complete baseline assessments in Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening to ensure they start at the appropriate Literacy Level. Students are baselined in the same way for Numeracy using baseline assessments.
All Upper School formal and higher semi-formal students have a Progress Overview Sheet on the school system which records Literacy and Numeracy progress over the year. It shows which Exam Level students are working towards and records their targets and learning intentions. Targets are set using the ‘I Can’ statements linked to the Exam Level the students are working towards.
Targets and learning intentions are assessed and reviewed twice a year in December and May. Students will be part of the review process and new targets will be discussed and set where appropriate. After the assessment, moderation and standardisation has taken place intervention is delivered to support students who have made limited progress to ensure they reach their potential.
To access the School Performance Tables on the DfE website click here