Admission to our schools is based on the child or young person having an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP), which specifies the special school they will attend. Alternatively, admission can occur through the annual review process, where the child's current school (mainstream or special) determines that they are no longer able to meet their needs adequately.
Before issuing an EHCP, a formal assessment is conducted for the child or young person. Following the multi-professional assessment, parents receive a draft EHCP that outlines the child's special educational needs and the specific provisions required to support their education. Along with the draft EHCP, parents receive a comprehensive pack of written information, including assessment reports, a list of mainstream schools in the area, a list of special schools in the area, guidance on expressing a preference for a school, details about the local authority's transport policies for children and young people with special transport needs, and information about the Parent Partnership Project.
Parents are encouraged to review the information provided and express their preference for a school. In most cases, the local authority will honour the parent's preference, and that chosen school will be officially named in the child's EHCP.