
The St Francis community is committed to our pupils and engagement and enjoyment drive us. At St Francis School, our curriculum encompasses all needs and physical and mental health is at the forefront. We want our children to leave school having developed as many skills as possible for independence and self-advocacy. We aspire for our pupils to stay safe, be happy and work to their potential. All lessons are planned carefully and differentiated to meet the broad range of needs of our pupils. We strive for each individual pupil to have their own voice and communication skills to enable them to access their curriculum to their full potential. Pupils contribute towards setting their own personal/independence targets and are encouraged to take ownership of these. Pupils use their own method of communication to express their wants and needs and functional activities are integrated into the whole school day.


St Francis School provides access to a pupil driven curriculum, where intention is based on functional and meaningful learning outcomes. The team utilise every opportunity to provide exciting and engaging experiences both within and away from the school and involving many different members of the community.

We work collaboratively with all stakeholders including governors, parents and pupils. We also ensure that we work with all other professionals including health and social care to ensure the child’s needs are met through the curriculum and school day.